b'PBCB Introduces Week-Long CampsThis summer we introduced our first week-long Sailing & Science Summer Day Camp.Kids enjoyed plenty of sailing in Sunfish, Flying Scots and 420s, along with paddling, rowing, cardboard boat building, tending the baby quahogs, creating marine art, and exploring marine science projects.They learned about boat parts, points of sail, navigation, racing, wind power, water quality, marine life and so much more. We saw the kids laughing, smiling, trying new things and making new friends.As affordability is core to our mission, we continue to bring enriching activities to local families.This summer, one third of participating students were able to attend camps on full scholarships.This is why donor support is critical; it helps ensure that every child can have an opportunity to learn, grow, be challenged and explore with friends in a safe and nurturing environment.Fins Whiskers and ClawsFive Days on the Water and in the Mud With Awesome ResearchersThis five-day class met from 9:304:00 every day to explore the lives and haunts of marine animals in Pleasant Bay.And the students saw and touched everything!DAY 4:WhatDAY 5:Muddy DAY 3: Whois your favoriteCreek day!knew that sealinvertebrate? The students set scat could revealDr. Agnesout early on kayaks DAY 1: How didDAY 2: Why isso much valuableMittermayr,with Director Dr. glaciers formPleasant Bay ainformation? Marine EcologistSarah Griscom to Pleasant Bay?nursery to so manyLisa Sette, Sealand researcherride the incoming Terri Smith,fish species?Project Manager atat Center fortide up the one-Research ScientistCenter for CoastalCenter for CoastalCoastal Studies,mile length of the at Center forStudies FisheriesStudies, showedhad studentsCreek from the Coastal Studies,Director Owenoff different sealcarefully picknewly built bridge. taught kids aboutNichols hadhaul-outs andthrough muddyThey collected geology, set upstudents pull astudents, armedgrab samples towater quality experiments withscallop dredgewith binoculars,collect any movingmeasurements different typesalong the beach,identified malecreatures.Twentyand were on of sediment and,through areas withfrom female,different speciesthe lookout for by boat, showedcobble, sand orsearched for pups,of invertebratesevidence of students the localseaweed wrack. and looked forshowed up underenvironmental islands, barrierKids learned howentanglements,their dissectingrestoration. beaches anddredging couldshark bites, andscopes. AgnesStudents also got dynamic inlets.harm delicateengine strikes.wowed thegood and wet New vocabularyseafloor areas.Given that sealsstudents with heras they messed includedThe students usedare reestablishingknowledge andaround PBCBs metamorphic andplankton tows,their range, thegave them anaquaculture igneous rocks,beach seines, baitstudents discussedappreciation forupweller and kettle pond,traps and crabhow thesethe importance oflearned how to moraine, andtraps to discovermammals fit intoeelgrass beds.Shecare for 100,000 glacial erratic! many of the fish,our complicatedis soon to give ababy quahogs.crustaceans andecosystem andTED talk, and well shellfish in the Bay!fishing community. share the links.'