b'PBCBs Learn-To-Sail Programs Get Support from US Sailings Skill Up App Fleet UpgradesCatboats Ready for 2021 SeasonLearning to sail is all about skillsThanks to the very generous gift from progression and mastery.PBCBdonor William Ryan, PBCB has been has developed a Skills Progressionable to upgrade our fleet in time for Pathway initiative,supported bythe 2021 sailing season. This donation US Sailings Skill Up digital app,supports longterm maintenance, that easily allows our instructorssafety and an improved experience on to record and track student skillsthe water.progression. The overall goal is to promote lifelong sailing in a varietyPBCB completely refurbished two of of sailing disciplines, from first-timeour 13 Boston whalers to be used for sailors to experienced racers, andsailing instruction and made repairs provide a skill development pathand updates to much of our fleet. Our for every participant.Catboat fleet now has new rigging,Suzanne Leahy, PBCBs Catboat new or repaired flotation and newCoordinator, along with Neil Tomkinson Beginning in our 2021spars. We also have a 17-foot Bostonand Priscilla Eastman, two of our season, PBCB will be enrollingWhaler as our new safety boat andhardworking, loyal volunteers have approximately 110 Learn-to-Sailtwo new engines for the supportspent many off-season hours in the students into the US Sailing Skillboats. Add to that new jibs and otherboat shop working to restore and repair Up digital platform, making itupgrades for the Flying Scots, and weour fleet of catboats. The fleet has easy for instructors, students andare in great shape for the season! been sanded, varnished, and painted. parents to visualize key milestonesWe are so thankful for their dedication, and goals. The tool will beskilled craftsmanship, and expertise! especially useful for tracking skills progression throughout a single class, a sailing season, or even over the years. The Friend of Pleasant Bay Offers a Whole New ExperiencePBCBs solar powered Floating Classroom and Research Vessel is a welcome addition to our science and camp activities, making our marine education and environmental stewardship programs even more fun!These programs, which will take place on the vessel, will be further enhanced by our collaborations with schools and other notable organizations, like Center for Coastal Studies.'