b'About COVID-19 Operating Impacts THANK YOU. Before receiving authorization to open, PBCB was required to develop campus-wide protocols and procedures that met the CDC, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and local health department regulations and guidelines. To establish and maintain full compliance and maximum safety, PBCB needed to create a plan to maintain safety and social distancing during all types of activities.This meant increasing staff and limiting the number of people on campus and in our programs. It also included creating contactless administrative procedures, like registration and health screenings.Ensuring everyone had personal protective gear, installing hand washing stations and new outdoor toilet facilities, and creating processes for sanitizing facilities and boats between use were some of the additional requirements.Budget ImpactsPBCB experienced lost revenue due to capacity limits as well as unplanned expenses to safely operate and comply with regulations that equal $101,000.About Supporting PBCBPBCB is a nonprofit organization that exists to serveACCESSIBLE DOCKYOUR DONATIONthe community.Therefore, PBCBs fees are keptPROJECT UPDATEWILL HELP KEEPlow so that everyone can afford to participate. ThisA Dock Construction Committee has PBCB AFLOAT!also includes membership fees. Membership is whatbeen formed to work through the Without your help, PBCBPBCB does for you; it provides you with discounts,details of the bids. could quickly be forcedbenefits, and access to special events. MembershipConstruction is planned to beginto make some difficultis an important revenue stream, but it only covers aas soon as funding is complete decisions that couldsmall percentage of the cost to operate PBCB andwith the goal to completeimpact our operations andmaintain the boats, equipment, and property. construction by June 2021.services to the community. PLEASE DONATE TODAY! While keeping community fees low, there arePROJECTcosts associated with everything we do, like boatFUNDRAISING maintenance, storage, winterizing, launching,GOALand hauling; mooring maintenance; seasonal$400,000pier installation and removal; staff and instructor salaries; utilities; facilities maintenance; campus$350,000Operating Budget upkeep; and insurance and mortgage payments. RAISED Fundraising Goal $300,000 to date$437,500 PBCBs costs to operate exceed the income we$278,000 generate through fees and memberships. This Raised to date means that every year PBCB relies on fundraising$250,000$205,140 and donations to cover a large portion of our (47%) operating expenses.$200,000This year, operating under the pandemic increased$150,000our budget by 15%.When PBCB made the decision to open this season, it was with the communitys best interest in mind. We knew there would be an increased cost associated with operating under a pandemic, but we believed that our generous$100,000donors and supporters would recognize the value of our efforts and help us meet our adjusted 2020 fundraising goal.So this year, your contribution is more important than$50,000 70% ever.Any size donation is welcome and appreciated.Please donate today! RAISEDWays of GivingCash, Checks, and Credit Cards.From your IRA: at age 70 you can give up to $100,000 to Pleasant Bay Community Boating that will count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD) for that year. This is a great way to avoid income tax on your RMDwhile supporting a valuable community resource.Gifts of appreciated stock assets: you will not pay capital gains tax and your deduction will be the current value of the asset.Questions about memberships, volunteering, donating, or sponsorships? Please contact Abby Field, Associate Director fielda@pbcb.cc or (508) 945-7245'