b'WE ARE SO GRATEFULTHANK YOUto all the volunteers, sailing instructors, donors, corporate sponsors, in-kind donors, and staff who made our 2022 Season a huge success!GALA SPONSORS BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM2021 Gala Sponsors 2021 Business PartnersEVENT SPONSORSBUSINESS PARTNER PROGRAMGold LevelPBCBs Business Partnership Program supports our year-round operations and programming and plays a vital role in ensuring our viability. PBCBs supporters are encouraged to patronize those businesses participating in our programs.Silver Level BRONZE LEVEL IN-KINDCAROL PENFIELD, NPcNurse Practitioner Lifestyle MedicineAND TO OUR GRANTORS ALSO TO THE DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTED $17,000 TO Fred S. Brotherton Charitable Foundation PBCBS GREG KELLY SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN 2021 Please Consider a Donation in 2022 to Support our Mission Your donation makes it possible to maintain this valued community resource. The Cape Atlantic Challenge Fund of the Need-based scholarships are provided to children so they can Cape Cod Foundation PBCB is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that exists to serve our community. Affordable, accessibleWith your support, we can: attend PBCBs Sailing & Science Day Camp and sailing programs.Keep fees low and offer financial aid to ensure that all people can participatemarine-related programs are extremely limited in our communities;Cape Cod 5 Foundation Additionally, all families with children enrolled in Cape CodMaintain public access to Pleasant Bay (all other properties along the Bay are privately owned) PBCB fills this need and removes the barriers to participation.Cooperative Bank of Cape Codschools are eligible for our Local Kids 15% discount on youthMaintain our campus facilities and our fleet of boatsCharitable Foundation programs. Financial assistance is available thanks to our generous Friends of Pleasant Bay donors and grantors.Massachusetts Attorney Generals OfficePLEASE DONATE TO PBCB TODAYGifts of all sizes are greatly appreciatedTHANK YOU!(Healthy Summer Youth Jobs) To apply, just find the application for financial assistance on our Jacob L. Reiss Foundation website, and send it along with your childs report card toinfo@Roessner Family Foundation pbcb.cc to have this discount applied to your account.Ryan Memorial FoundationWianno Yacht Club'