b"THANK YOU everyone who made our 2022 Season a huge success!SUMMER STAFFJoy Pye SCIENCE INSTRUCTORS Sarah GriscomJulia SyzmanskiEddie Goggin, Michaela Selig Karen Malkus-Benjamin Maria Grotz Diane TarrAssistant Waterfront DirectorWendy Taylor Jamie Nye Ed Hanson Neil TomkinsonCalder Robbins, Ryan Thompson Wendy Taylor Herb Heidt David VincentSailing Coordinator Caroline Williams Rob Michaels Stephen Hennessey Allen WardLisa Downey, Dick Hosmer Katherine WardHead Opti Coach JUNIOR INSTRUCTORS FRIEND CAPTAINS Greg Kelly Michael WestgateJulia Bosco, Graham Alderson Nick Ruggiere Harrison Kintz Stephen WilliamsRental Coordinator Phoebe Alto Dick Hosmer Diana LandauEmelia ZabboAndrew Haber, Peter Andaloro Mike Trovato Jackie Leach Kristen ZabboRental Coordinator Amy BylerTom LeachSarah LenoxBenji Dawes Phyllis Long THE COTTAGE GODDESSESSAILING INSTRUCTORS Ruth Drake PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS Kathie McCarthy Diane CarterAdam Alto Clare Grumbling Amy Butler Deb McClean Diane TarrHope Alto Sam Haber Bill Bystrom Eliza McClennan Cathy TaylorJosh Chase Tess Holland Tilda Bystrom Rob Michaels Jackie LeachAna Elmendorf Cate Roth Jan Carstanjen Cailyn Murphy Natalie Coleman-Fuller Caitlin Fitzmaurice Sarah Savitz Diane Carter Jim Nathanson Julia Grumbling Hannah Sender Teresa Cochran Nancy NoblePeter Grumbling Claire SmithNatalie Coleman-Fuller Greg NooneAndrew HaberCaroline Traina Priscilla Eastman Greg Noone IISimon Leiderman Max Wesp Coco Fitzmaurice Bob SchlegelSophie Maggioni Amelia Gassner Chris SmithBUSINESS PARTNERSPLEASE CONSIDER A DONATION BY DECEMBER 31, 2022 PBCB is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that exists to serve our community because affordable, accessiblemarine-related programs are extremely limited in our community. PBCB fills this need and removes the barriers to participation.We can only do this with your support!PBCB relies on donors to cover 50% of our operating costs.Donating to PBCB is an investment in an important community resource that offers the community something unique, vital, and necessary.Ensuring that PBCB continues to exist protects the last property that provides public access to Pleasant BayFOUNDATION GRANTORS from future developers.Fred S. Brotherton Charitable FoundationThe Chatham Womens Club PLEASE HELP PBCB STAY STRONG FOR The Chatham Cultural Council of theOUR COMMUNITYMassachusetts Cultural Council BY SUPPORTING US!The Harwich Cultural Council of the To meet our 2022 financial needsMassachusetts Cultural Council PBCB must raise $157,177 by the end of the year.Friends of Pleasant BayMassachusetts Attorney General's Office,PLEASE DONATE TODAY! Healthy Summer Youth JobsMassachusetts Marine Trades Association Questions about volunteering, donating, sponsorships,Roesnner Family Foundation or leaving PBCB in your will, West Marine Blue Future FoundationPlease contact Dorothy Bassett at: bassettd@pbcb.cc or (508) 945-7245Wianno Yacht Club Education Foundation"